The Monarch
Burned paper, glued and burned matches / canvas
240 x 200 cm
Set of 5 pieces of 100 x 60 cm each
Although emigration is nothing to be desired without second thoughts, there is an unexpected gain in it: many are the benefits of inserting oneself into a culture, and sometimes a language that are foreign to us. It beats weakness out of us, enables sharp inner perception, enhances intuition or gives us the power of penetrating observation as a means of survival. There are many reasons that lead us to move in various directions; however, we arrive, as if we landed, in different places on a timeline throughout life, but with that intrinsic sense of belonging that makes us part of one place and not another.
Leaving behind what we culturally are, is in general a heartbreaking experience if we listen to the numerous testimonies of emigrants of all times. However, the fabric that shapes us since childhood, the memories, the bonds, the experiences, are a way of remaining; the reference to which we always turn to, a place of belonging that hurts us and embraces us and where we almost always choose to return. Like the Monarch butterfly, we move through generations to finally close the circle by returning to our place of departure.

The Monarch
Burned paper, glued and burned matches / canvas
240 x 200 cm
Set of 5 pieces of 100 x 60 cm each
Although emigration is nothing to be desired without second thoughts, there is an unexpected gain in it: many are the benefits of inserting oneself into a culture, and sometimes a language that are foreign to us. It beats weakness out of us, enables sharp inner perception, enhances intuition or gives us the power of penetrating observation as a means of survival. There are many reasons that lead us to move in various directions; however, we arrive, as if we landed, in different places on a timeline throughout life, but with that intrinsic sense of belonging that makes us part of one place and not another.
Leaving behind what we culturally are, is in general a heartbreaking experience if we listen to the numerous testimonies of emigrants of all times. However, the fabric that shapes us since childhood, the memories, the bonds, the experiences, are a way of remaining; the reference to which we always turn to, a place of belonging that hurts us and embraces us and where we almost always choose to return. Like the Monarch butterfly, we move through generations to finally close the circle by returning to our place of departure.